
The American Nurses Association (2010) identifies documentation as "an essential element of safe, quality, evidence-based nursing practice" and recognizes "the nurse and the advanced practice registered nurse are responsible and accountable for the nursing documentation that is used throughout an organization." 

​​Difficulties are encountered by Faith Community Nurses due to lack of systems support to promote documentation. 

Demonstration of the impact of Faith Community Nurses on the health promotion, accident and disease prevention, and health care require outcomes information, which is only available through documentation.

FCN Documentation Articles

Dyess, S. M., Callaghan, D. M., & Opalinski, A. S. (2017). Exploration and description of faith community nurses' documentation practices and perceived documentation barriers. International Journal of Faith Community Nursing, 3(1), Article 2. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https%3A%2F%2Fscholar.google.com%2F&httpsredir=1&article=1040&context=ijfcn

Miller, S., & Carson, S. (2010). A documentation approach for faith community nursing. Creative Nursing, 16, 122-131.

Parker, W. (2004). How well do parish nurses document? Journal of Christian Nursing, 21(2), 13-14.


American Nurses Association. (2010). ANA's principles for nursing documentation: Guidance for Registered Nurses.  Silver Spring, MD: Nursebooks.org.

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