To reach our vision to become “A Vibrant Network of Faith Community Nurses,” we need your help and membership in FCNI.
The rapid growth of the FCN specialty requires the need for additional avenues to:
FCNI Mission: To advance the specialty practice of faith community nursing through professional education, competency development, research, and evidence-based practice.
FCNI Vision: FCNI strives to be a
vibrant global network of Faith Community Nurses, empowering and
supporting our members as they provide care of the mind, body, and
spirit in diverse settings.
The Purposes of FCNI are to:
The Benefits of Faith Community Nurses International Membership include:
Faith Community Nurses International (FCNI)
was created in 2013. Please consider how you can share your gifts and
gain new skills and information by joining FCNI, becoming active on one
of our committees, and helping us grow.
Read the IJFCN at
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email us at
Membership Committee
The Membership, Marketing, and Outreach Committee is responsible for supporting FCNI by collaborating with committees and special interest groups and identifying marketing strategies to engage and promote FCNI to members, non-members, and the public. The committee identifies the challenges and needs of the members, providing key strategies for Faith Community Nurses in order to promote membership, engagement, recruitment, and retention of FCNI members.
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