President’s Passage
Spring 2024

Dear FCNI Members and Friends,

Spring! That time of renewal, fresh starts, new life. Bursting forth from the cold darkness of winter into light.  This is a metaphor for the season of religious renewal we experience with Easter, Ramadan, and Passover. The time when our Christian, Muslim, and Jewish faith traditions converge in remembrance of our shared Abrahamic roots.

The faithful--Christians, Muslims, and Jews--honor the religious holidays with prayer, fasting, and doing good works.

  • The season of Lent, from February 14-March 28 is a period of grieving which includes prayer, fasting, alms-giving (sacrifice); sacrifice often takes the form of abstinence of meat on Fridays during Lent or other sacrifices of time, talent, and treasure. Lent culminates in celebration that Jesus, the Christ, has risen on Easter Sunday (March 31, 2024). His sacrifice, once and for all, was necessary to save us from sin.
  • Ramadan for those of the Islamic faith, occurs March 11-April 9, 2024. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, and Muslims around the world fast every day of this holy month by abstaining from eating and drinking (including water) from dawn until sunset. Ramadan is not only a commemoration of the Qur’an being revealed to the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), but fasting is also observed to promote spiritual growth and awaken a greater compassion for those in need. Ramadan is a time marked by worship, spiritual reflection, sharing, and community (various internet sources).
  • Passover for the Jewish people is April 22-30, 2024 (14-22 Nisan 5784) which remembers the liberation of the Jews from slavery in Egypt and the “passing over” of the destructive forces which spared the firstborn of the Israelites. April 22nd is the most important day of the Passover celebration, with the first Sedar dinner occurring after sundown. Foods of symbolic significance commemorating the Hebrews’ liberation are eaten, and prayers are performed. During the week of Passover, only matzo is consumed, allowing fasting from leavened bread.The matzo represents both the Hebrews’ suffering under bondage and the haste with which they left Egypt (Brittanica, 2024).

As we recognize the differences, and most importantly, the commonalities of our faith traditions. Let us come together during this time to pray fervently for: the end of oppression (racism, poverty, authoritarianism, slavery, human trafficking, and war), the end of global hunger and food insecurity, and solutions to the climate crisis. As Faith Community Nurses, let us pray for and take action to prevent discrimination, moderate peace, improve health equity, and increase access to healthcare for the underserved and under-resourced. We—our role—has been created for such a time as this.

Image Credit: Teodor Drobata

Mary Lynne
FCNI President

Upcoming Webinars & Registration

FCNI Annual Virtual Conference – 2024

“Opportunities for Building Spiritual Health in Faith Communities”

Saturday, October 19 from 10 am to 3:30 pm (CT)

Keynote: Dr. Lorraine Wright

Keynote: Dr. Lorraine Wright

“Spirituality, illness suffering, and curious
compassion: What is the connection?”

Plenary speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Johnston Taylor

Plenary speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Johnston Taylor

“Spiritual wellbeing in
the context of chaos”

Feedback from last year’s First Annual FCNI Conference in Fall 2023:

  • “This was an excellent conference. I am grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow.”
  • “The entire conference was excellent. All the speakers demonstrated expertise in their subjects and adhered to the time allotment. I commend all the FCNI officers and conference organizers for this event. I learned a lot from the presentations and look forward to attending more FCNI activities like this.”
  • Excellent presentations and a variety of topics and speakers. An FCNI member let me know about this conference.” and “Very useful presentations of information.”
  • “Very interesting and informative conference. Looking forward to the next one.”

Early Bird through Sept. 15: Members $115; Non-members $165

Regular Rate after Sept. 15: Members $125; Non-members $175

If you join at $50 per year at same time as paying conference registration, you will realize a return on investment immediately - and be eligible for discounted CNE webinars for next 15 months.

Registration Pending

Teen-Senior Connections: An Intergenerational Approach for Building Teen Resilience

Presented by: Marcia Davis, DNP, RN, CRNP-PC
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2024
Time: 6 pm to 7 pm Central Time on Zoom

Description: Faith Community Nurses face challenges in creating relationships among the generations. In the literature, resilience had been identified as a protective factor against the alarming rate of teen suicide in the US. This presentation describes a study to build teen resilience by using an intergenerational approach within a faith community. Outcomes reveal potential benefit for both young and old including other options for exploring intergenerational activities among a congregation.

Bio: Marcia Davis is a Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care. She received a Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Nursing degree from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), a Nurse Practitioner Certificate from California State University at Long Beach (CSULB), and her Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree from the Azusa Pacific University. She has over 45 years of experience with children in inpatient and outpatient settings, private clinics, and school settings, and has been an Assistant Professor for over 12 years at Loma Linda University and at Azusa Pacific University.

Learning outcomes:

  • Identify 2 benefits of using an intergenerational approach for building teen resilience.
  • Identify 2 challenges and benefits of supporting intergenerational activities between youth and older adults.


CNE 1.0 ANCC contact hours

$20 for Members; $40 for Nonmembers


FCNI Webinars for 2024 - Save the Date

Webinars (on Zoom)

  1. Topic: Evidence-Based Practice and the FCN, Part I: Inspiring a Spirit of Inquiry to Solve Practice Problems
    Presented By: Mary Lynne Knighten
    Date & Time: Thu. Jan. 25 at 6 pm CT
  2. Topic: LGBTQ+ and BIPOC Considerations for FCNs
    Presented By: Andrea West
    Date & Time: Thu. Feb 22 at 6 pm CT
  3. Topic: Evidence-based Practice, Part 2: Executing EBP Projects in the Faith Community
    Presented By: Mary Lynne Knighten
    Date & Time: Thu. Mar. 7 at 6 pm CT
  4. Topic: Social Determinants of Health for FCN Practice
    Presented By: Cassandra Alexander and Naomi Myers
    Date & Time: Thu. Apr. 11 at 6 pm CT
  5. Topic: Teen-Senior Connections: An Intergenerational Approach for Building Teen Resilience
    Presented By: Marcia Davis
    Date & Time: Thu. May 2 at 6 pm CT
  6. Topic: Jewish Traditions and Rituals: Death and Dying
    Presented By: Sharon Goldfarb
    Date & Time: Thu. Jun. 13 at 6 pm CT
  7. More Pending...

SAVE THE DATE: Upcoming FREE 2024 events!

Free Inspirational Networking Events (registration required). Bring a friend.

President’s Round Table Forum: from 6-7pm CT

Aspiring Authors Writing Space: from 11am to 1pm CT

Scholarly Article Discussion Hour: from 6-7pm CT

Member Orientation: from 5-6pm CT

Annual Membership Meeting

  • November 14th Registration link to be announced

Registration information for all events: www.fcninternational.org

FCNI Events


Presenting Offer From: Widener University School of Nursing
Presenting By: Dr. Donna Callaghan, PhD, RN-BC, CNE, Professor
Starting Date: May 13, 2024
Closing Date: August 25, 2024
Time: 6 pm to 7 pm Central Time on Zoom

Widener University School of Nursing is offering the Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing’s Foundations of Faith Community Nursing Program for registered nurses who are interested in learning more about the specialty of faith community nursing and how to establish or enhance these ministries in their own faith communities (churches, mosques, synagogues).

The asynchronous 36.5 hour online program will open on May 13 and close August 25, 2024. Dr. Donna Callaghan, PhD, RN-BC, CNE, Professor of Nursing at Widener and certified Faith Community Nurse, will facilitate the program. The program consists of 15 modules that require from 1 – 4 hours to complete on a weekly basis. Registered nurses who complete the program will receive 36.5 PDC hours through Widener University School of Nursing, an ANCC-approved PDC provider.

1. The fee for the program is $400plus purchase of the participant guide (approx. $50).
2. New and renewing members of Faith Community Nurses International (FCNI) can receive a code to take the program at a 50% discount ($200).
3.Please email Donna Callaghan at drdonnarn@comcast.net for registration information.

FCNI Events

Aspiring Authors Artistic Space
Additional Dates for 2024!

Hosted by:  Mary Lynne (FCNI President)
Venue:  Zoom
Additional dates for 2024 are:  Saturday, August 10th, September 14th, and October 12th, 2024
Time: 11am to 1pm CT.

We will be setting aside sacred space in order to write. This is not a lecture or a presentation. It is not a continuing nursing education (CNE) event. The intent is to create creative artistic space, set aside the time, and establish the discipline to write. Maybe you have a devotional you would like to publish? Perhaps there is a scholarly manuscript that has been gathering dust on your desk? Could it be a book you're writing that needs some attention? Do you have a prayer you would like to write for the FCNI online prayer book? We are calling for manuscripts for the International Journal of Faith Community Nursing Spring 2025 issue. Any and all of these are perfect writing projects to bring to fruition!

There is no cost, but you will need to register. Please note: There are 3 sessions, each with an individual Zoom link, so please use this link register for the first session:

Please have:
A writing project—have computer open, a pad of paper and pen/pencil and be prepared to write

1. Lunch or a snack, a cup of coffee or tea, so you don’t need to get up during the session.

2. Prepared by getting errands out of the way in the morning, or after you are done writing.

We will start out in prayer and each briefly describe what we are working on for the session in the first 15 minutes.

Then we’ll write for 1.5 hours. We’ll come back in the last 15 minutes to report our progress. We will have fun and accomplish a writing goal! See you there..

Free and open to members as well as non-members, however, registration is required. The Zoom link to attend will be sent to you following your registration.

FCNI Opportunities

Read Our Online Journal

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Not a Member Yet?
Join Us!

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Join a Committee!

We are currently looking for additional members to join us on committees! 

  • Education Committee
  • Fundraising Committee
  • Spiritual Resource Committee
  • Technology Committee

Help shape the future of FCNI and learn new skills!

Email us at: contact@fcninternational.org

westberg Inst.

Incorporate the FCN Position Statements into Your Practice!

FCN Position Statements are offered by the Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing

Suggested Reading

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity (2021)

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity explores how nurses can work to reduce health disparities and promote equity, while keeping costs at bay, utilizing technology, and maintaining patient and family-focused care into 2030. This work builds on the foundation set out by The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health (2011) report.

You can view the manuscript here: 


Other Recommended Reading

A comprehensive report published this month by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine strengthens the case for primary care as the foundation of the U.S. health care system. It also makes policy recommendations that reinforce several of the AAFP’s long-standing advocacy positions.

Follow this link to the American Academy of Family Physicians' website:


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